Ecommerce in china


An opportunity for expansion in the world of e-commerce

The possibility of selling internationally through the Chinese E-commerce, a group of highly successful digital commerce that will allow the expansion of your business through tools for B2B and B2C electronic commerce.

We carry out an advisory service, planning and studies that will help your company to successfully achieve the goal of internationalization through the ecommerce China. Currently, they have the largest market niche for electronic commerce with a rate close to 50%, highlighting Alibaba Group

Alibaba Group, hosts different ecommerceB2C y B2C such as Alibaba, Alliexpress, 1688…

- Alibaba: Electronic commerce platform that brings together Chinese and international companies that require inventory or manufacturers

- Alliexpress: Ecommerce B2C, that is, it puts suppliers in contact with the consumer.

- 1688:This platform allows connecting foreign exporters with Chinese retailers. Within this one there are not only sellers on line but also off line sellers.